Development Environment Setup
Node.js is an open source server environment that runs on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc) and uses JavaScript on the server. It includes npm, which we need for installing packages/dependencies.
How do I get it? (Windows Users)
Download the installer and follow the installer instructions
Pro Tip: Mac/Linux users - Use NVM - Node Version Manager -
Check Node and NPM versions
Installing packages
If package.json doesn't exist you will need to create the file using:
npm init
Dependencies vs DevDependencies
Global vs Local Packages
Packages are installed locally (in current folder)
Global packages are available from any folder and are installed in:
Packages like @angular/cli need to be installed globally so we can create new projects in new folders. During the project creation process, it will also install @angular/cli locally.
Manually Adding dependencies
You can edit the package.json directly and add dependencies to the file. To install all the dependencies in package.json at once, run: npm install
Semantic Version
NPM uses semantic versioning to indicate major, minor, and patch releases
Exact Version
Latest Patch
Latest Minor
Latest Major
Updating and removing packages
Remove packages:
npm uninstall @angular/core
Find outdated packages:
npm outdated
Update outdated packages:
npm update
Angular CLI
Command line interface for creating new Angular projects
Can generate Angular code for components, services, directives, modules, etc.
Standardizes build and deploy
Sets up unit and E2E testing
Makes new project setup a breeze
Creating new projects
Pro Tip: Use ng init my-project
to create a new project in the existing folder
Optional Flags
--createApplication false
set to true by default, creates a new initial app in thesrc
directory. When set to false, creates an empty workspace with no initial app. Ideal for App/Lib workspaces--dry-run
shows an output of what would be created--minimal
skips creating tests--prefix prefix
the prefix automatically added to generated component selectors (default is "app-")--routing
adds routing to the project--skip-install
skips the npm install process--skip-git false
sets project up for git and includes .gitignore file--verbose
generates project with verbose output
As of @angular/cli v7, ng new
includes cli prompts for including routing and choosing css or a preprocessor
Dev Web Server
The Angular CLI has a build in dev server that will serve your application.
Watches for changes and rebuilds your application
Refreshes browser with new changes
Can proxy requests to external APIs
ng serve
to build and serve your applicationUse
ng serve --ssl
to enable SSLUse
ng serve --live-reload false
to disable live reload
Pro Tip: Create a proxy.conf.json to proxy calls to external APIs and avoid the headache of CORS or proxy setups.
Proxy Setup
Code Editors
VS Code
One time cost
Last updated