Simplifying Further

In some cases, assigning facade properties to other properties on your component classes may itself be somewhat overly complex. There is not necessarily an explicit need to have observable properties on the component itself.

Light Weight Containers

For container components such as the above Customers component, there is nothing of particular note in the component itself that isn't simply replicating functionality we already have in the facade. We could simply expose the facade to the template by making it public in the constructor:

export class CustomersComponent {    
    constructor(public customers: CustomerFacade) {}

Facade in the Template

Then simply use the facade within the template, as it already provides all of the same exact functionality:

<div class="customers" *ngIf="customers.isLoading$ | async; else #loading">
        [customers]="customers.all$ | async" 
        *ngIf="(customers.current$ | async) as customer"
<ng-template #loading>
    Loading customers...

Note just how simple this container component is now that we have leveraged the full capabilities of a generated auto-entity facade! And note just how little code you really had to write.

NOTICE: The current version (0.1.1) of NgRx Auto-Entity uses simple property names such as all or current without a $ postfixed on the end. In order to maintain consistency with standard streaming identifier names in reactive angular applications, future version of Auto-Entity will be renaming all prefabricated facade properties to include the $ postfix. This change will start with version 0.2.x.

Last updated