Now that you have set up state for an entity, it is time to start using it. With NgRx Auto-Entity, if you leverage our pre-fabricated facades, we have made using state about as easy as it can get. Start by creating a facade class that derives from the facade base class generated by your call to buildState:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { AppState } from 'state/app.state';
import { CustomerFacadeBase } from '../state/customer.state';
import { Customer } from '../models';
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class CustomerFacade extends CustomerFacadeBase {
constructor(store: Store<AppState>) {
super(Customer, store);
// TODO: Extend your facade's functionality here!
With your facade in hand, inject it into your component and use the facade to interact with your entities:
Note the changes here. We imported only the activated route and a facade into our component. Our component does not import any state-related types at all. No actions, no store, no app state interface, none of the usual suspects. All state interactions occur through the facade.